Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure

Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure- Our heart is responsible for pumping blood with the help of arteries. This is done at a specific pressure. At times when the body is unresponsive, an obstruction occurs. This thereby results in the blood’s force towards the arteries leading towards higher blood pressure.
The reasons for high blood pressure are many, some might experience it due to damage in the kidney or its poor functioning, while others may interact with the cause due to inappropriate sleep and excessive stress in a day. Another common cause is that blood pressure problems run from family to family, it is rare but it is also a reason for it. The trouble once occurs becomes chronic which insists on the frequent intake of medicines for life. The condition can be controlled with the consumption of Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure.
Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure- Navayur Herbals
People experiencing the condition of high blood pressure are frequently advised to have a regular checkup done, for the betterment of their health. If the blood pressure is above 120/80 mm of Hg proper care is advised. You can do this most naturally by consulting an Ayurvedic doctor. For now, let us introduce you to a list of Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure. These work miracles in offering tremendous health advantages.

The Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure

Hypertension, another name of high blood pressure is a severe condition if not treated well, it may result in cardiac arrest. People who lack exercise, consume meat regularly, are obese, intake caffeine in higher amounts are likely to get affected with the condition of high blood pressure.
People above the age of 40 years are likely to experience the condition of high blood pressure. If you are in the queue and tired of taking chemical-based drugs to control blood pressure, there is a list of Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure.

  1. Ashwagandha
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Ginger
  4. Jatamanasi
  5. Amla
  6. Brahmi
  7. Garlic


Ashwagandha a “King of Treat Hypertension”.
Nature has gifted one of the most versatile elements to Ayurveda. As it leads the list of Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure, here are some advantages of this herb’s regular intake. It is infused with the natural properties that help in treating chronic hypertension.
Its magical properties help in managing stress at the most. Ashwagandha is combined with the natural properties of adaptogen that keep the condition of the heart stable and reduce the pressure of arteries. It lowers blood pressure and keeps the body’s immunity strong to fight other diseases. It also benefits mental health hence the condition of anxiety and tension is treated which is another aspect of the occurrence of high blood pressure.


Cinnamon is another important Top Ayurvedic Herb to Control High Blood Pressure. It helps in balancing the conditions as it helps in lowering the blood pressure. It manages high blood pressure as it reduces the stress on the blood vessels. It thereby makes the heart condition better resulting in an effective working of arteries. Consuming 85 milligrams (mg) to 500 mg per day is recommended to treat high blood pressure. Remember not to take this in higher quantities as some may experience migraine pain with its consumption.


Ginger is one of the greeted ingredients of Ayurveda. This is one of the Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure as it benefits in controlling blood pressure by decreasing the blood flow. The encourages the effective working of arteries
Ginger is an Indian house ingredient that is found in every house. Consuming it in any form such as ginger tea/ water, pickle, etc will work out in treating hypertension. It contains the natural calcium channel blocker and ACE inhibitor which helps in curing hypertension.


The tablets of Jatamanasi help prevent hypertension condition. The list of Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure provides an essential cure for high blood pressure. It is the healthy functioning of the heart and helps clean the toxins from the body. It has anti-oxidant properties which help in removing the plaque development in vessels.


Amla is again a super ingredient of the Ayurvedic world. This helps in treating the literal cause of hypertension. This is on the list of Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure because of its properties of reducing high cholesterol levels and widening the vessels. Taking the amla juice empty stomach provides the most desirable results. It has multiple benefits hence it is beneficial for overall health.


Brahmi in the list of Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure essentially offers control over high-pressure blood flow. It relaxes the blood vessels and soothes the heart muscles. It is significant in treating both kinds of blood pressure, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.


Taking garlic empty stomach with a glass of water not only promotes weight loss but also helps in reducing hypertension.  People dealing with hypertension are recommended to take one garlic clove a day to maintain happy heart health. This reduces bad cholesterol which is another cause of high blood pressure.


Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common chronic heart diseases. Due to the lifestyle change, the cases of hypertension have raised the bar. It is high time that we must start adopting the healthy habits that suit our hearts. The habits that improve the overall body’s functioning. The above-mentioned Top Ayurvedic Herbs to Control High Blood Pressure are most recommended to cure blood pressure. Consult the doctor before using it.

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