Flexigard Capsules


Flexigard Capsules

Sounth, Kali Mirch, Kuchla, Kounch Beej, Loh Bhasma, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Shilajit, Shudh Guggul, Abrak Bhasma

SKU: 9bd25c7de5e1 Categories: ,

Indications: Arthritis, Gout, Joint Pain, Sciatica, Muscular Debility
Packing : 10x1x15

Herbal Pain Free Capsules – These herbal capsules are a quick remedy for joint pain, arthritis, muscular debility (or muscle weakness), Sciatica (a pain caused by irritation or injury of the sciatic nerve), and Gout. It is a blend of potent Ayurvedic ingredients such as Sounth, Kali Mirch, Kuchla, Kounch Beej, Loh Bhasma, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Shilajit, Shudh Guggul, Abrak Bhasma, etc., that are combined for a gentle relief from pain. These herbal capsules are available in the market with the brand name Flexigard, manufactured and supplied by the Best Herbal Pain Free Capsule Manufacturer, Navayur Herbals.

Benefits of Key Ingredients

All the ingredients present in Herbal Pain Free Capsules are 100% natural, contain anti-inflammatory properties, and serve the following benefits:


  1. Reduces the chances of swelling.
  2. Helps in nasty joint pains.
  3. Balances Vata Dosha in the body.

Kali Mirch

  1. Lowers the action of inflammatory mediators in arthritis.
  2. Reduces pain and inflammation.
  3. Prevents cartilage degeneration.


  1. Contains Vata balancing properties.
  2. Helps in muscle weakness.
  3. Effectively manages arthritis.

Kounch Beej

  1. Provides strength to the body.
  2. Builds strong muscles.
  3. Decreases pain and swelling in the joints.

Loh Bhasma

  1. Improves general weakness.
  2. Increases hemoglobin in the body.
  3. Provides the essential amount of iron.


  1. Relieves pain and numbness in muscles.
  2. Soothes inflammation in the body.
  3. Pacifies the Vata Dosha.


  1. Rejuvenate nerve tissue damaged by sciatica.
  2. Prevents free radical cell damage.
  3. Increases knee flexion.


  1. Provides nourishment to joints.
  2. treats gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
  3. Fastens the recovery of injured muscles.

Shudh Guggul

  1. Reduces arthritic pain.
  2. Provides relief from joint inflammation.
  3. Treats joint disorders.

Abrak Bhasma

  1. Lubricates the joints.
  2. Assuages all three doshas in the body.
  3. Improves the movement of joints.

Necessary Points to Note

Before you take Herbal Pain Free Capsules, it is better to consult your health professional because even herbal remedies require a doctor’s consultation for a safer side. Moreover, note the following points in mind while taking this medicine to avoid any sort of negative effects on your body:

  1. Take one capsule twice a day for better results or as prescribed by the doctor.
  2. Do not exceed the limit of Herbal Pain Free Capsules and do not take them longer than prescribed as it may lead to the recurrence of the pain and inflammation.
  3. Consult your doctor if you do not feel any relief from pain after taking these capsules or if you do not see any improvement.
  4. Take Herbal Pain Free Capsules every day at the same time and do not miss any dose as it can make the medicine less effective on the condition.

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